Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Prologue and About ME

Kindly click on the other pages of my blog… they are found at the very top. They are About me, Earn Money Online, News, Movies, Books/Mangas, …
Home is ‘this’ page, the main page… where you can read some things about me. What is happening in my life everyday, the ups and downs of being a father and the breadwinner of a family. You can read about some of my other experiences here too. Just anything that comes to my mind really.. :D
Earn Money Online page is full of ptc (paid to click) sites-in which the membership is free. They are not scams and have been paying me and a lot of their members for months, and some even years now…I also posted my latest payments received instantly here. You can leave comments if you are confused about something and need any assistance- I would be glad to help you. where you can view world “news”…anything that is worth talking about- hollywood (actors and actresses), the climate, headlines, holidays, politics…and many more useful information.
Movies page is full of movie reviews and summaries- there are also pictures here.
Books/Mangas is where you can find reviews on books that I have read, mostly mangas are here. Many interesting and good books or mangas to read- there are also links where you can read them online.
Hi, I’m a retired contractual employee since last year, of a shipping company based in Manila. The shipping industry suffered a major setback due to the global economic crisis. Since then, many employees find it hard to be hired again- because only a few slots are available, many waited for 6 months and some even almost a year to sign a contract again. I was affected too- I was one of them. So while at home, I surf the net to keep myself busy. And I find many things that interest me- one of them are blogs. I have read some of them, and I was encouraged to make my own blog…
Here, I would like to share to others- to the world, my life experiences; I’d also discuss about anything that comes to mind- anything under the sun… :)
I have been a sailor for almost 20 years. And being away from one’s family is a sacrifice one must bear to ensure a better and comfortable life for my loved ones. Before, I have earned quite enough for my family…but now that I’m jobless I’ve got to find some ways to support them- since my 2 daughters are still in school. Good thing, we still have a few savings...and my wife and I are planning to put up a small sari-sari store (a store who sells foods and other things). Before we come to that time...I'd make myself busy on blogging- I'm here to share my knowledge and experiences on everything... I hope you like it-- please do follow me...and feel free to write comments and suggestions, and I'll surely reply to them soon...Thank you...

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